Journal of Engineering and Management <p><img src="" alt="" width="1349" height="374" /></p> <p>The <em>Journal of Engineering &amp; Management</em> is published by the <a href="">Faculty of Production and Management Trebinje,</a> <a href="">University of East Sarajevo</a>. This Journal is committed to contemporary developments in engineering, industrial management and power engineering. It is conceived of as an open-access interdisciplinary journal, comprising research and expert papers in multiple fields, and will be published semi-annually.</p> <p>The mail goal of the Journal of Engineering and Management is to promote the Academic, Professional Community and research development visibility, spreading original and relevant articles in the wide range of subfields in industrial management and engineering. Papers reporting original theoretical and/or practice oriented research and articles of interdisciplinary nature are all welcome.</p> en-US (Obrad Spaić) (Marina Milićević) Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02:11 +0000 OJS 60 The Human resource management with reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina <p><em>In the conditions of globalization and rapid changes, the central question that defines the success of a company and its adaptability to the environment is related to the quality of human resource management. The basic role of strategic management is to adapt to changes in the environment, which often imply redefinition of strategy, and harmonization and recruitment of the workforce. It is the workforce, that human capital, that is the main argument for competitiveness and the supporting pillar of the company's value. A quality workforce management system also means quality supervision, monitoring and implementation of set goals and strategies. This paper systematizes the theoretical aspects of human resource management with special reference to knowledge and competences that determine the success of the company. The key part of the work refers to the analysis of the state of the labor force in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH. The aim of the work is to emphasize the importance of personnel functions, qualifications and competences of workers, which gives companies a competitive advantage.</em></p> Andrijana Mrkaić Ateljević, G. Mitrović, S. Božičković, S. Subotić Copyright (c) 2025 Andrijana Mrkaić Ateljević, G. Mitrović, S. Božičković, S. Subotić Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Fee for conection to the distribution network – cost aproach <p><em>The connection of customers' power facilities to the distribution network in the Republic of Srpska has been subject of regulation for almost fifteen years. The Methodology for determining connection fee to the distribution network is the basis for carrying out the tariff procedure in which the amounts of fees for connection to standard and non-standard connections in the Republic of Srpska are approved. During the period from 2009.-2013. an experience base was created for assessing the adequacy of established technical and material facts in the first tariff procedure.&nbsp; This paper provides a brief overview of possible approaches in defining the methodology for determining connection costs, their advantages and disadvantages. The approved fees in all three tariff procedures were analyzed using a comparative method and the causes of certain observed deviations were identified. Based on the above, a clear evaluation of the success of the methodology used in this way was given.</em></p> Velinka Tomić Copyright (c) 2025 Velinka Tomić Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Primjena 3D tehnologija u reverzibilnom inženjerstvu <p><em>Products with complex geometries have become widely prevalent due to the application of modern technologies in their manufacturing process. Often, the production process of such products begins with data obtained from 3D scanning. Following this, a CAD model is created, which is not always straightforward for products with complex geometries. This paper describes the process of obtaining a CAD model of a magnetic plate for a dental articulator. By scanning with the ZScanner® 700 laser scanner, a point cloud was generated, which was transformed into a polygon mesh model using Geomagic Studio software. By importing the polygon mesh model into the Geomagic Design X software package, the conversion from surface to solid model was performed. The final model was produced using 3D printing technology.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>3D technologies, reverse engineering, 3D scanning, additive manufacturing.</em></p> Snežana Dostinić, Obrad Spaić Copyright (c) 2025 Snežana Dostinić, Obrad Spaić Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 CAD Software in Teaching as a Tool for Education and Training of Future Engineers <p>The research indicates how important it is that students at engineering faculties are trained to use one of the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. The aim of the research is to get acquainted with the ways of preparing students for their further career in the field of engineering graphics communications using CAD technologies. This has been presented through the theoretical research of learning methods and their impact on students, as well as the questioning of employed engineers on CAD software and testing students based on acquired knowledge and interest in CAD software after completing the course.</p> Marko Petrović, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez, Ivan Palinkaš Copyright (c) 2025 Marko Petrović, Eleonora Desnica, Jasmina Pekez, Ivan Palinkaš Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Technologies of plastic deformation and I4.0 as a precondition for industrial development <p><em>The industrial development of a company is based on the scientific achievements of both its own researchers and the application of the latest global results in the chosen field with rich inherited experience. The combination of these three elements today represents a prerequisite for the generation of top industrial products. Technologies of plastic deformation and elements of I4.0 represent compatible industrial areas where new technological solutions of mass production find their way to users very quickly. We have the opportunity to evaluate finished products precisely by the application and implementation of those new solutions both in the field of technology design and in the field of tool construction, application of new numerically controlled machines, and all in the context of I4.0.</em></p> Saša Ranđelović, Andrija Zorić, Nikola Kostić, Srđan Mladenović, Marina Milenković Trajković Copyright (c) 2025 Saša Ranđelović, Andrija Zorić, Nikola Kostić, Srđan Mladenović, Marina Milenković Trajković Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 SOLAR POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT: CASE STUDY FINDINGS <p><em>This study represents an analysis of solar energy potential through a case study conducted via simulation of a solar power plant. The research focuses on assessing the feasibility and efficiency of solar energy utilization, with particular emphasis on its implications for energy sustainability. The simulation of a 10 MW solar power plant in Vranje, Serbia, serves as the basis for the analysis. Various parameters including solar radiation, energy production, and satisfaction of electricity demands are evaluated across different months. The findings reveal seasonal variations in solar energy production and consumption, with higher satisfaction observed during peak production months. Additionally, the study examines the environmental benefits of solar energy utilization, including reductions in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. The results underscore the significance of integrating renewable energy sources like solar power into the energy mix to achieve sustainability goals. This research contributes to the understanding of solar energy potential and informs decision-making processes towards a more sustainable energy future</em><em>.</em></p> Luka Djordjević, Borivoj Novaković, Mića Đurđev Copyright (c) 2025 Luka Djordjević, Borivoj Novaković, Mića Đurđev Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS MODELS IN ENERGY FORECASTING – A REVIEW <p><em>Many studies have focused on using artificial intelligence in energy systems. The aim of this review paper is providing the insides in methods based on Artificial intelligence used for buildings models in energy forecasting. This paper also provides a compregensive review of the advantages and disadvantages of available methods as well as the input parmeters used for modelling these models. This paper focuses on using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for forecasting energy production in renewable energy sources, especially in hydropwer and photovoltaic sistems. The archicetures of ANN-s have also been briefly discussed, such as Multilayer perceptron neural network. Also, some statistical criteria that have been used to assess the performance of ANN modelling have been introduced.</em></p> Milica Kašiković, Budimirka Marinović Copyright (c) 2025 Milica Kašiković, Budimirka Marinović Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000